The mzcompose wrapper accepts all the same arguments and options asĭocker-compose. This is installed by default on recent versions of macOS and most Materialize’s Docker Compose configurations do not work directly with theĭocker-compose command, but require a thin wrapper called mzcompose. Note that on Linux, Docker automatically shares memory with the host machines as long as your host machine has more than 8 GB of memory, you shouldn’t run into issues. Move the Memory slider to at least 8.00 GB. Open Docker for Mac‘s Preferences window. Infrastructure, we recommend running Docker with at least 2 CPUs and Materialize, along with any other infrastructure the demo needs.įor the best experience using Docker, we recommend following the guidelinesįollow the official instructions to install Docker and Docker Compose:īecause many of our Docker-based demos leverage a large number of pieces of
No sleep 1 so the memory usage increases fast enough for the naked eye. Many of our demos rely on Docker and Docker Compose to make it easy to deploy I was looking at why Docker Desktop (on macOS) was randomly crashing overnight.